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Approximately 5 celestial belts on either side of the eclipse, including the Sun, the Moon and all the clear positions of the most familiar planets.  It is divided into twelve equal sections or signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces).

Below is today's horoscope, i.e., Monday, August 10, 2020. Choose your zodiac sign from the list below and get your horoscope today.
Don't do any heavy lifting today, Aries. You are under high risk of straining a muscle or damaging a muscles You will feel like flirting with people, no matter if you are single or taken. Taken signs will get in trouble for this. If you do not have the funds, do not plan a trip for anytime soon. You might feel nauseous if you're flying today. Unfortunately for you, Aries, today you will experience a lot of financial loss. Stay away from crowded places. It will be a bit harder for you to focus today. People around you will notice that there's something wrong with you and you, your self, will know that something is off. If you are thinking about taking another path in your career today is a good day to start looking around and you might even get an offer right away.
Taurus|Vrishabha Try doing stretching and yoga. Maybe even meditation for beginners if you haven't tried it yet. It will bring you a sense of peace and serenity. If you are taken today will be a good day to discuss whether or not you want a future with this person. Single signs will enjoy flirting with an Aries. Traveling is the only thing that's on your mind. Today is the perfect day to plan out a trip with your friends or family. Today, the number 3 will bring you lots of good luck. Jupiter, the planet that governs good fortune, is on your side today. Today, you will learn a very important lesson that might even change your life. Get the most that you get out of this new life lesson that you will learn today. When it comes to finances, you are ruthless and you are on fire, Taurus. Instead of going crazy with your income, tax a second, and figure out how you can use that money in the best way possible.
Today your health won't be at its best. You might feel stressed, and that might be causing why you are not feeling so well today. Since you are easily bored, try looking for someone who is as unconventional as you are You will have all kind of crazy ideas for dates. Take a nice road trip with your car. It will be refreshing and it will make you feel like a new person. Stay safe today. Your luck won't be at an all time high today. Tomorrow will be a better day when it comes to your luck. Follow the path that Saturn is making for you. Big ideas, big project, and big things are headed your way. You will feel a lot of things today. You might get a very important business related email, call or text. Read it carefully. It might completely turn your future around and head in a different direction
If you haven't been working out for a while, or if you are getting bored of the same old workout, the same old routine, try out something new! For example, try working out in groups. Do something sweet for your partner, because they are going through a rough time too. Feel the energy that the Moon is sending you today. A long train ride somewhere nice is exactly the thing that you need in order to relax. Listen to some good music and have a snack. Jupiter is sending you good energy today. Today isn't a good day to invest or to buy a property. Things are getting better, Cancer. You are learning and you have made a good list of priorities. Be kind to your friends and family today. A fire sign will approach you and ask you for a small loan or for some quick cash. If this person is a good friend who you trust, you should give it to them, even if they never return the money, they will return it in some other way

Your throat and your lungs will be your weak spot today. A nice herbal tea will help you a lot today. Do your best to stay healthy and strong today. If you are in a relationship, today will be a great day to do an activity together. It can be the silliest thing, but it will bring the two of you closer and you will have a lot of fun. If you are planning to go to a far destination, try to learn a bit about their culture and language. Knowing the basics will help you. Even though you will experience a lot of good luck when it comes to money. Invest in some property today. If you are feeling very alone, and we all know that you hate being and feeling alone, go see a deer family member or a friend that you consider family. You are doing very good today when it comes to finances. You are doing very good today when it comes to finances.
You might experience some allergies today. Have some allergy medication on hand just in case. It's better to be prepared! You've been "acci dentally" flirting with someone, and even though nothing happened, you still feel guilty. Single signs will enjoy the company of a potential crush. If you are traveling with your partner, make sure that you include something romantic in your trip. This will make your bond even stronger. Venus might be on your side, but Jupiter isn't today. Don't go gambling, and don't do anything stupid with the money. You will have an amazing day today if you just trust your gut blindly and just go for it. Believe in yourself a bit more. Put some money in your savings account today. You might have an opportunity to get a raise today. Be smart about it and keep up the hard work.

If you have an addictive personality, or if you have been addicted to something or even currently struggling with addiction today will be like a test. If you are in a relationship, today would be a great day to fill up a bubble bath and have a nice glass of champagne. Enjoy each other's company. It might be better if you travel alone. If you are traveling by plane, make sure that you check the time that's on your ticket. You will have lots of good luck when it comes to social and personal relationships. Communication will be easy for you today. Some things from the past might bother you today, but here is a lesson for you: Don't stress over things from the past. Focus on making a better future. Keep on trying your best and don't stop until you're truly happy with what you've done. Your boss might want to speak to you today.
Scorpio|VruschikaStay away from carbonated drinks for a while and drink water or tea instead. Your body will definitely be grateful. When you like someone, you get very easily attached to them. Unfortunately, someone might break your heart like this. Be careful, Scorpio Single signs will enjoy a nice quiet evening. Today isn't the best day to be on the road. If you are traveling by plane, you might have a few issues while trying to fall asleep. You might find some money in the most random place today. It's actually going to mean a lot to you today, You might feel a little lonely today even in a room filled with people. Try your best to maintain a positive attitude because better things are coming your way. If you are working for a friend, then this situation can get quite complicated. Go with what your gut and intuition tells you, and strip it from emotions.
If you don't have the time to go to the gym, try working out at home. There are a bunch of YouTube channels which are amazing for home work outs! It's like the two of you just can't get enough of each other. If you are married to an air sign, then you will have the best day with your partner, Single signs will flirt with a fire sign Fantasizing and daydreaming about traveling to far destinations is all that's on your mind. If you are traveling, don't forget to buy souvenirs. The planet of good fortune, Jupiter, is sending you lots of great vibes today. You will experience lots of good luck. You will feel a sense of security and serenity. The fact that you are so helpful and that you care so deeply about things is something that makes you stand out from a crowd. If your job involves some kind of caretaking, then today will be a miraculous day at work for you. If you do some other kind of job, you will be extra ready to get your hands dirty just to get the job done.
You are healthy and feeling good, but you might experience a headache today. Do something that you haven't done in a while and that requires physical strength or focus. Today you will feel very happy and satisfied with your marriage. Love is all that matters, and love is all that will be on your mind. No matter if you are single, taken or married. Instead of doing something conventional and "normal", try doing something crazy while you're on your trip. Take lots of pictures of everything. The number 44 will have a very special meaning for you today. You might experience some minor financial good luck. Today isn't the best day to make big decisions, let alone life changing decisions. Sleep on it, be cause you're always smarter in the morning. You time to be careful and very, very safe with your money, and making money is very easy for you, Capricorn. Everything will be okay at your job.
Your health today will be completely fine. With Neptune in Pisces protecting you from any harm,you are good to go and feeling fantastic and unbreakable Romance is in the air and you are feeling excellent. If you are single, flirting will be like your second nature. Taken Pisces signs will have a fantastic day with their loved one. Today would be a great day to start planning for an awesome little getaway! Today will be a day full of joy, happiness and romance. You won't have any financial luck today, however, you will feel good and that on its own will attract lots of good luck. Get a full body massage or a scalp massage. It will really help you and it will make you feel even more relaxed and calm. Your financial status isn't really stable currently, but you have more than enough money saved up. So you basically have nothing to worry about
